Un unpublished
dismantling of the catholic Mariology. Registered on the 04/04/ 2003 in the:
Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos of Santiago of Chile. Dedicated to
the more than a billion marians existing in our planet.
01 The ineluctable junction
02 The origins of her two natures
03 In Mary’s month
04 Un unbeatable being
05 The sturdy influence of the Holy Rosary
06 The master piece
07 Of the same pious brood
08 An obviously redeemed sinner
09 A haughtiness without oscillations
10 The aqueduct
11 The direct path
12 The divine one
13 The mercy that embraces all
14 The recalcitrant fervour of the evangelist
15 So requested
16 The procession goes inside
17 A technical veneration
18 The one that sat at her right
19 The Scornful ones
20 The Sowers of blessedness
21 The perpetual virginity
22 The Queen’s Glory
23 The dark side of the Hail Mary
24 The blessed ones club
25 The only one who Prays for us
26 The highest one
27 The indispensable and irreplaceable collaborator
28 Tangible molecular prophecy
29 Mary’s first born
30 Mary’s fictitious assumption
31 When Pedro’s boat threaten us
32 The lameness of the salvation performance
33 A new sanctuary is given to us
34 The worshiped
35 The jurist consult
36 The relatives
37 Ave
38 Furbishing The Spirit of God
39 Solidifying the apostasy
40 Enlightenment at loud voice
41 The mother of the Highest
42 The paragon of sanctity
43 A Visionary and prophetic mother
44 Two turtles-dove or two young pigeons
45 The prayers of an spiritual seclusion
46 The ascent ovule
47 The heeling of the Verb
48 The fifteen promises of the rosary
49 The syncretism discipline the house
50 This is how it is, like this shall not be.
51 Until that
52 Mary’s sexuality
53 Every day nearer to integrate the Trinity
54 The mediator’s crutches
55 The immaculate that sinned
56 The everlasting mother of the church
57 The apocalypse’s woman
58 Mary’s only commandment
59 The monopoly of the Grace
60 The elevated that never was
61 No one else has gone into Heaven
62 Inspirations against clock
63 Offering to the Virgin Mary
64 The only and enough help
65 Only one title for her
66 The refulgent queen of heaven
67 The bond that bind the baptised
68 The unceasing I am of God
69 Everyone to the pitch
70 And Joseph met Mary
71 A candle for each one is what is fair
72 The sea-chart
73 To the three times admirable God’s Holly Spirit
74 Rendering decent the Marian’s locutions
75 Sabbatine’s bull of papa John XXII
76 The grate Marianne’s devotion of Saint Bernard
77 We are all Unworthy
78 No one get exhaust for glorifying her
If it is possible to reach Jesus Christ, without passing through Mary only with the assistance of the Holy Spirit
then, the roman Mariology is redundant, unnecessary.
If it is possible to reach our Lord,
only through Jesus Christ
in the ministry of the Spirit of Life.
Depreciating the subordinated mediation of Mary,
then the roman Mariology is redundant, unnecessary.
If referring to her is optional, Mary is disregardable,
if referring to her is mandatory, God is subordinated to Mary.
If it impossible to reach God without passing through Mary,
then the Bible is redundant, unnecessary,
given that the Sacred Tradition occupies that place,
converting her into a clandestine deity.
1 Corinthians 8:6; John 6:37; John 14:13-14; John 14:6; Mathew 11:28; James 1:17; 1 John 5:14-15; Luke 3:13
In the Incarnation Mary gave him her human nature
and in the same Incarnation and at the same preordained hour
God gave him its divine nature and a nonpareil mission.
She was conceived by work and grace of the Spirit of God.
They are the Saviour two inseparable natures,
that was entirely God and entirely man;
of Emanuel, the God walking among us.
Mary: was not the mother of Jesus' divinity;
she was ignorant to Jesus' divine side;
nothing to do with the Saviour's divinity;
she was not the mother of his divinity;
she is not the mother of the divinity;
she is not the mother of God.
The Creator doesn't have ancestors.
Mary, the always human and never divine,
was the mother of the humanity of this divine being,
this being completely human and completely divine.
John 1:14; Apocalypse 5:12; Mathew 1:23; Isaiah 43:10-15
In her month, it is not deceitfully forbidden to relegate
the ministry of exclusive intercession of the Holy Spirit.
She will be praised with such a levity and cunning,
that the lectured Catholics will think that they adore the Lord.
Seemly they would draw the confusion of the idolatry.
In her month, it is pray to Mary with cressets,
it is sung to her with sopranins and capers,
so that we believe that they only raise the Lord.
Surreptitious and unconditionally. At least,
this it is the first impression that will be passed over
to the dull, baptized and outraged audience.
The used tactics are of a high coefficient.
Like never, she in her month is the marrow of a Kingdom.
Psalm 35:28; Apocalypse 5:13; John 5:23; Psalm 36:7; John 6:45
Who receive more prayers and praises?
Mary or the Holy Spirit?
Who does receive more looks and contrite people?
Mary or the Holy Spirit?
Who does receive more flatteries and contused?
Mary or the Holy Spirit?
Who score with more religious leave and solemnities?
Mary or the Holy Spirit?
Who score with more papal documents?
Mary or the Holy Spirit?
Who steal more hours to the Primate of Italy?
Mary or the Holy Spirit?
Who is more exalted and more roamed?
Mary or the Holy Spirit?
Who does add more pilgrimages and novenas?
Mary or the Holy Spirit?
Who does possess a more extensive index of devotions?
Mary or the Holy Spirit?
Who possesses more web sites, confraternities and ad-vocations?
Mary or the Holy Spirit?
Who does agglomerate more emotions, compliments and tearfulness?
Mary or the Holy Spirit?
Who is more adored inside the field, like in Lourdes?
Mary or the Holy Spirit?
If you answer cautiously you will take possession of a Hail Mary
printed with some letters of hydrogen.
remain the comfort that in quantity of choirs,
Christ quarrels peacefully with Mary.
Sometimes they sing more to Him, sometimes more to her.
With a masochistic fidelity some of them rehearse
whole months only to honour Mary,
isolating lightly the first of her children.
Jesus and the apostles never ordered to praise her,
but the illustrious renegades yes, and with withdrawal.
The universal Marian calendar registers 365 festivities,
for all and each day of the year.
The idolatry is global and without cracks.
Neither God receives more glory, live.
Let us pray so that the Roman plagues don't break
the Third Person of the Holy Trinity.
1 Corinthians 2:10-1; John 14:26; John 14:16; Mathew 3:11; Luke 12:12
Ten Hail Mary are prayed
and one solitary Our Father.
For soundables motivations,
the preferences are ten to one.
God Father was included at the last moment
avoiding an anxiety crisis for Him.
The cardinals insist in that is counteractive
that the High-one feels spiteful.
A Hail Mary is a rose for her.
They wasted away the roses of the galaxies.
The preferences for God are ten to one.
Who does give less? Who will blaspheme more?
There are fifteen promises for the fan of the rosary.
Neither the most skilful demagogue will offer you more.
The blessings and imminent benefits are splendid.
Christ without Mary is a stiff-legged and depressed mediator.
It is of manifesto that is the Nazarene the one that would receive
the whole glory, honours, prayers, roundels, angelus and acclamations.
The Our Father was near a twinkling
of being moved away from the pathetic rosary.
They added him five illuminated mysteries
as a kind of medicinal serum, in a stretcher.
No matter how many more mysteries Juan Pablo II, annexes to Him,
presbyters and laics won't get lost much more.
The Lore tan’s litany eats you away through your four corners,
and the luminous steps in you are a harlequinade.
Joyful, luminous, painful and glorious mysteries,
and the rigid tobacco poisoning is your preaching’s letter.
When Jesus taught them to pray, it evidenced them
that with the structure of the Our Father it was enough.
The rosary, the summary of the etiquette’s paganism,
it is the fibrous bandage that it discards you of the salvation.
In an applied malicious and loosened attitude,
the clergy transports you to Mary's sulphurous arms.
Roman 8:26-27; Matthew 15:25; Matthew 11:28
Jeremiah 33:3; Hebrew 7:25; Luke 11:1-4
They mounted it little by little, with oriental patience,
joint sacrifice and fetid disobedience
to that specified with paroxysm in the Sacred Texts.
The meretricious process was jumbler and leisurely.
Those who departed from this tasteless world
and today would reappear begging forgiveness,
they toiled themselves with firmness and didactic tricks,
some in the stardom and others in the suburbs,
following a cause that today uses them as kerosene
in the princedom of the plotted angels.
Vainglorious they exhibit fine merchandise that is
the insane envy of callous thaumaturgous,
coruscated, fresh shaved theoreticians, lightened,
searchers of marine treasures, investors, big mouths,
inalienable roulette players, potentates and greedy: the Mariology.
Not any anonymous society laid a goddess foundation
that does everything and serve for everything and also
is the Supreme Maker's mom, the mother of God.
Isaiah 46:9; 2 chronicles 33:15; Ezekiel 14:5; Ephesians 4:18
Mary's faith didn't surpass the faith of others great anointed,
the same thing happened with her rightness and consecration to the Lord.
Full with grace like the hero Esteban and others.
Her salvation didn't vary from the apostles.
Christ also died for her, irrefutably.
She was chosen as Abraham, Mosses, John and others.
Her agony in the Golgotha was not more terrible
that of the saints burnt alive for the Inquisition.
Others definitely were pointed out tacitly as big of the Kingdom.
It welcomed a singular and indispensable mission
from the same Kingdom of Heavens, as others.
Hebrews 11:1-33; Ephesians 3:19; Mathew 11:11; Acts 6:8;
Deuteronomy 34:10-12; Isaiah 6:6-9; Jeremiah 1:8-12
Mary expressed it without ambiguities:
“And my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.”
This is a typical and recurrent expression
of the sinners saved by the Lord.
If Mary didn't sin she didn't need to say: “my Saviour”;
and then Jesus didn't die for all
and his sacrifice was incomplete, maimed.
All human being needs to repent.
Was she a Jewish saint without regret?
Was she a Christian saint without regret?
Did she teach of the regret without a testimony?
“Then the angel told her: Mary don't fear
because you have found grace in front of God.”
She will no longer fear. The grace reached her and due
to her salvation she became a suitable room
to carry in her womb the Messiah.
“And God looked with compassion the baseness of his servant.”
The Lord is greatly compassionate.
She was not conceived by virtue and grace
of the Third Person of the Holy Trinity
and inherited the fallen nature of her parents,
as John the Baptist and all the other God’s servants.
Mary's birth was so adamic as her death.
1 John 1:8; Luke1:47-48; Luke 1:30; 1 John 1:10; Mathew 11:11
1 John 3:5; Romans 3:9-10; Ecclesiastes 7:20; 2 Corinthians 11:25
“Only excepting God, Mary is better than every one,
and by nature beautiful and fair and more sacred
than the cherubs and seraphs.
All the languages of heaven and earth
won't be enough to praise her.”
The millions of angels' and men’s languages
are not enough to praise Mary?
This unembarrassed idolatry sincere them, transparent them.
Some Mariolatry gets sick
with so much violation of the New Testament.
“You won't have other gods before me”,
neither on top of me, to my right or in my temples.
If a fine selection Marian is forced
during a complete year to sing only to Jesus Christ,
It crank, stiffens, flood and dismembers.
1 Corinthians 8:6; Exodus 20:3; Hebrew 2:7; Psalm 57:5;
1 Corinthians 6:20; Apocalypse 5:13; 1 Corinthians 9:16.
Christ is the head, the flock is the body
and Mary is the neck, the channel through where would flow
the marvels and blessings of Father God,
without leaving the Holy Spirit plastered in the vestibule.
Depending on the number of the practitioner's doubts,
this bureaucracy accepts to add a saint or four,
without entangling more the annoying procedure.
The blessing would pass from the Father to Christ, from Christ to Mary,
from Mary to a saint or the saints and from this or these to the believer.
They would try to accommodate the Holy Spirit.
It is so clear that the Saviour interceding alone
is an inapt, a beggar, and a joke.
It lacks value that God Holy Spirit
has sentenced with so much intransigence and sleekness:
“And only one single mediator between God and men.”
The Spirit of life will never retract
for the written, for the inspired, for the true.
Or perhaps the Roman pontiff’s stone head
doesn't recognize that a single mediator means
a single mediator and not two or one and half?
Is Mary exemptible in the intercession?
Is the Holy Spirit exemptible in the intercession?
or is it vital that they both participate, always?
Who does drive to the truth, to the road and the life to the flock?
Mary or God’s Holy Spirit?
Does the Spirit requires of a complement,
a supplement, an undersecretary?
What God’s handicapped Holy Spirit is this?
1Timothy 2:5; Romans 8:26-27; John 14:13-14;
Matthew 15:3; Luke 18:38; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
In that epoch every one went without exceptions or any Catholicism,
direct to Jesus of Nazareth, to the rabbi, terminative.
Everyone and everything went on straight line to Him without subterfuges,
without neat mastering, without blessed images, without crutches,
without traditions, without sarabands, without benefactors procedures,
without sacraments, without duties and without fear.
The sincere believer amid his anguish only says:
"Son of David, have mercy of me."
That is all coadjutors, feudatory and ritualistic.
To the Christian alive, it is ordered to pray to the Father
for the fellow-creature, going to Christ the mediator with the propulsion
and tutorship of the Holy Spirit, without revisionisms neither accommodations.
Invokes the one that lives and reigns, not to the queen that lives no longer,
not to the prominent deceased or mellifluous fetishes.
The words of the tender and always affordable Redeemer
recorded in the sacred books, went and go direct
to the population, with the aid and leadership of the Consoler alone.
The idiotized for the Sacred Tradition doesn't consent it.
When they capture some rays of the embarrassing gospel,
they refute them immediately so that the admission
to the carbonizing purgatory will not entangled more.
Underhandedly, the Roman catechism didn't cancel
several pages of the Sacred Texts, for benevolents.
Since the apostolic stage until the Apocalypse,
all the hungry for victory go direct
to the cordial Saviour, as for a short slippery.
This is how it is the christianism of the Holy Spirit.
When a baptized acquires the neat habit
of going to the Father disdaining Mary, does it screw it up?
Does it lose the profiles? Do they summon it to the confession box
with a sanbenito?
The true religion is the personal relationship
between God and the human soul by means of Jesus Christ.
Mark 10:46-52; Mark 5:22-24; Luke 4:40-41;
Luke 17:13; Psalm 6:2; Psalm 123:1;
Hebrews 2:18; Hebrews 4:15-16; Luke 6:49
Who is one with our Father?
Who is the only and enough path to our Father?
Why does Mary receive more funny dances, religious songs,
pilgrimages, prose and holidays than our Father?
Why does Mary overcome our Father in flatteries?
Does the Hail Mary complete the insufficient Our Father prayer?
If God is the source of wisdom,
Mary is the seat of wisdom.
If God is a God of the living,
she is the mother of the living.
If God is our Father,
she is our mother.
If our Father coaches Juventus,
she coaches Real Madrid.
If our Father is the God Almighty,
she is the powerful Virgin.
Father of mercy is God,
then she is mercy’s mother.
If God is sacred,
she is the Sacred Virgin, axiomatically.
Let the whole glory be for our Father.
The glories of Mary of the infamous Ligorio infest the altars.
If the Father is etc., she also is.
Will a radiant theologian create the way to adore
Mary evens more, with and without prudence?
The challenge is open and the postulants enthused.
1 Corinthians 8:6; Psalm 37:5; Isaiah 45:22; 2 Corinthians 1:3
If Christ was a being without sin,
then Mary was also a being without sin.
If Christ is the Lord of Lords,
then Mary is the Lady of Lords.
Sacred heart of Jesus:
pure heart of Mary.
If the Nazarene ascended to heaven,
Mary also ascended to heaven.
If Christ is the only mediator with our Father,
then Mary can also intercede.
If Jesus offered himself without blemish to God,
then Mary offered Christ to our Father in the Golgotha.
If Christ is the door to heaven,
then Mary is as well.
If Christ is the Redeemer,
then Mary is the co-redeemer.
If Christ is the king,
then Mary is the queen.
If Christ directs the symphonic orchestra of London,
Mary directs the symphonic orchestra of Paris.
If Christ possesses the keys of death,
Mary also possesses them.
If Christ is perfect and beautiful;
she is also perfect and beautiful.
Christ sees and knows all that we need.
Mary sees and knows all that we need.
If Christ is the Patron,
Mary is the Patroness.
Christ is above angels and saints,
Mary is above angels and saints.
If Christ is the only advocate of men,
then Mary also advocates for men.
If Christ is etc., then Mary is as well.
In the quadrilateral the fight is even.
Any attribute that God possesses,
the Devil assigns it immediately to Mary.
This is how it goes. God has one, she gets one.
Satan doesn't blink.
If the Holy Spirit is relief,
then Mary is the reliever.
If the Holy Spirit is the succour,
then she is the perpetual succour.
If the Holy Spirit is guide,
then Mary also is.
If the Holy Spirit is the Consoler,
then Mary is the consoler.
If the Holy Spirit is the dispenser of all grace,
then Mary is also the dispenser of every grace.
The prayers that invoke the Holy Spirit and Mary
are almost identical. Nevertheless to her
they give more love and dedication.
If the Spirit of life is etc,
then Mary also is.
Any attribute that God has,
the devil assigns it immediately to Mary, slyly.
Satan doesn't blink.
1 Chronicles 29:11-18; Isaiah 48:11; Deuteronomy 4:35;
Hebrews 7:25-26; Deuteronomy 4:24; Joshua 24:19-28;
Isaiah 43:10-12; Romans 3:10-12; Hebrews 9:14; Psalm 56:3;
Deuteronomy 7:5; Philiphens 4:13; Apocalypse 5:13.
The believer is so filled and stuffed with the mercy
of Jesus of Nazareth that nothing else fits neither need,
receiving from Him the salvation and full blessing.
Christ is very merciful, compassionate and complete.
Not for granted he is the Son of God, the Lamb of God.
His mercy is unswerving, dry and prolific,
without mothers neither seasonings neither oxygen tanks.
The Father's mercy flows only through Christ,
the mediator of all graces, overabundant,
with the unavoidable and more than enough cooperation
of the Holy Spirit, Third Person of the Trinity.
James 5:11; Mark 1:41; Matthew 9:27; Matthew 15:22;
Ephesians 3:19; Matthew 20:30-31; Psalm 9:13; 2 Corinthians 1:3;
In all of Asia and the world was worshipped
the goddess-mother Diana of the Ephesians.
Her cult and images began disappearing
with the solid preaching of the New Testament.
Would the Roman Pontiff think of eradicating
from the face of the earth the images and the cult to Mary,
the new goddess-mother of romanism, through
a herculean preaching of the gospels?
It is not a planned coincidence that the Mariolatry
was born formally in the council of Ephesus,
domicile of the goddess-mother Diana, natural predecessor
of this new paganism, much more elaborated?
Further from Tradition, closer to the Holy Spirit.
More reluctant to Mariology, closer to the pure gospel.
Closer to the popular religiosity, nearer to cowardice.
Evangelizing culture or paganising Christianity?
Acts 19:26-28; Mark 16:15-18; Apocalypse 7:17; Apocalypse 9:20
The Catholic will be able to:
get drunk with sarcasm and moderation,
fixing the knot of the tie;
pack the lungs with cancerous smoke
following faithfully the bad example
of some deacons and priors;
to habitually lie and not blush;
to comment with exaltation the soap operas,
reality shows and lesbian acts on television;
pass a lugubrious moment with entirely semi-nude dancers;
read the horoscope captivated without feeling mentally sluggish;
ignore in good spirit the book of The Acts;
stay up until late with horse-laughs of triple meaning;
exteriorize with ease and discernment
all the paragraphs of the vulgarity, without prejudices;
not return all that is borrowed;
pander week in week out with intrepidity and rootage;
be a mass’ stubborn with the new alliance;
become furious with the speed of a gunshot;
buy a lottery number while smooching a saint;
refuse erected and with stubborn anger
the strong invitations to repentance;
resist five masses in a row as penance,
with hands up and fixed pupils;
be devoted to cream for two seconds,
with the fists tightly squeezed;
bear with courage an endless pilgrimage;
grab a fat candle until it melts in the hand;
pray a hundred times and order toasted flour;
capture pristine thoughts when clearing the throat
and subtract himself from the trustworthy conversion to Christ
with arrogance and faith.
But knows with devotion to come closer to the deceased Mary,
obviating with roman dexterity the only advocate.
The myopia doesn't huddle up in the biblical rectangle.
Mary processes for them a written papal guarantee
a charter without turbulences to the heart-breaking purgatory.
1 Peter 4:18; 1 John 5:14-15; Psalm 18:6;
Psalm 55:22; Psalm 86:3; Psalm 3:4;
Hebrews 7:25; Jeremiah 33:3; James 3:13
With a candle in one hand they slowly follow Mary.
The withdrawal also discourages to the cheerful ones
and the pilgrims walk seraphic and nostalgic.
Those of stubborn heart only march for Christ.
To the one that carries more years at the service of this amaurosis
is put in first row with a commissary face.
The dull practitioners of recent hours,
without mutters will form at the end, meekly.
The reliable obnubilation is heavily rewarded.
The stubborn souls dance only for the Redeemer.
Although Mary auscult them with covered ears
that don't converge, they insist on praying and singing to her
with the fibres of Samson and earthly conviction.
The worst act is the one which is not carried out.
Condensed, the nuisances only trust the Messiah.
If you get up and scream at them in the cheeks:
! All the prayers and necessities will surrender
only to Jesus Christ without co-pilots or extras!
You will understand mournfully why the Catholic Church
doesn't tolerate the non-rotten apostolic doctrine.
After so many prayers, hymnals and dithyrambs,
that would not seem fetishism, some misplaced ones
tend to disregard Mary's first son.
The anaemic Christians only praise the Nazarene.
To steer people to the Saviour,
the Holy Spirit doesn't require of a lieutenant,
of external impulses or a beatified bunch of wild supporters.
Decrepit souls that accumulate hogwash and contradictions
that keeps the mask for the next presentation
to Jesus' mother, the goddess covered with the air of a cigar.
If you get up and impudently scream at them:
! All the walks should only be for Christ!
The tender and saintish congregation will remit you to the
intensive care unit of the most distant health centre.
With the clear purpose of avoiding that the parish priests
be lynched by the multitude, the archbishop of Rome
prohibited them, with a revolver, to expand what patently is
the Divine Letter’s opinions regarding the processions to Mary.
Clergymen hear from their internal speakers:
"It is too late for the new pact to dominates us"
"The vaccine will damage them more than the cancerous Catholicism"
"There is no exit for the petrified Roman idolatry."
The only truth, imprinted in the sacred gospels,
would arm a revolution of such magnitude that those baptized
would end up redeemed, blissful, noticed and biblists.
The hard-faced only prays to the Lord by means of Jesus in the ministry
of the Holy Spirit, without other contributors, emulous or monitors.
Deuteronomy 4:15-16; Deuteronomy 11:16; Psalm 81:9;
Psalm 36:7; Ephesus5:11; Ephesus3:21
“Latria” is for adoration,
“Dulia” is for veneration and
“Hyperdulia” is for a very special veneration
that is only given to Mary, in such a singular
and robust way, that is an entire disproportionate gracefulness.
Examples of this unprecedented special veneration
that they give to Mary is reflected in her titles:
“Mother of God” “Mary the saviour”
“Perpetual Succour” “Queen of heaven”
“Mother of the church” “Sacred Virgin”
“Throne of wisdom” “Mother of the men.”
Examples of the wealthy veneration that is given to Mary
are reflected in her divinized titles:
“Mother of God” “Mary the saviour”
“Perpetual Succour” “Queen of heaven”
“Mother of the church” “Sacred Virgin”
“Throne of wisdom” “Mother of the men.”
You understand, now the rude difference
that exists between special veneration and worshiping?
The only thing missing is that they sing to her,
pray to her, pilgrim to her, kneel before her,
put her higher than angels and saints
and cover her with irreproducible nominations.
Isaiah 45:22; Deuteronomy 5:7-9; Deuteronomy 6:13-14;
Acts 10:25-26; Luke 11:27-28; Luke 6:46;
Apocalypse 4:11; Apocalypse 19:1; John 7:38.
Christ sat down at the Father's right.
Mary would be seated to the right of Christ,
the saints to the right of Mary,
the devotes to the right of the saints,
the servants of God to the right of the devotes,
the candidates to servant to the right of the servants of God,
the clergy to the right of these candidates,
the flock to the right of the presbyters.
In both directions, everyone and everything would pass through
the Sacred Virgin, the only guardian and mediator
of absolutely all graces and favours.
The humans reach God by means of her,
God reaches humans through her,
because he can no longer do it directly,
as He used to do it without messes in the old and new testaments.
Now the Father and the sheep are dependent of Mary,
not of the intercession and succour, proper of the Holy Spirit.
1Timothy 2:5; Romans 8:26-27; Luke 20:42;
John 14:13-14; Matthew 15:3; Luke 18:38; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
All Her life she was virgin, but no apostle found out.
Her conception was immaculate,
but no sacred writer noticed it.
She ascended to Heaven and received a special cult,
but the new alliance didn't want to dot it out.
She is advocate, speaker, perpetual saver,
queen, patroness, therapist, ascendancy of Yahweh
and no divine page announces it.
Why the Gospel was so oblivious
and apathetic with these prodigious falsehoods?
The sweet adoration to Mary is the most overwhelming thing
and deep in the doctrine of the Catholic faith.
Psalm 119:130; Psalm 54:4; John 5:39;
Acts 17:11; Proverbs 30:6
In Canaan a farmer named Jesus
acquired a land that he worked with love and passion,
so that the harvest would be abundant and virtuoso.
One day the property was brutally flooded.
Jesus perished in order to rescue his wife from the waters.
His loved one will follows, sol-fates and loves only to Him.
Rejecting the circumstances and the centuries,
this particular engagement between Jesus and his spouse
is eternal, perfect, saint and undividable.
Other poisoned multitudes tribute him
unbridled praises to the eminent and incomparable Nazarene
by means of a cyclopean sculpture of his mother.
Leviticus 26:1; 1 John 5:21; Apocalypse 19:7-8; Psalm 119:28
Aswell as her statues, Mary was always virgin.
She had a husband, honeymoon, erotic games and offspring,
but always remained virgin, in her bedroom untouched,
due to an inappropriate pressure of the ecclesiastical tradition.
The Gospel calls her virgin only before her first childbirth.
Leo I, Gelasiuss I, Innocent III and other popes and priests,
denied Mary’s virginity once her first-son was born.
The certain opinion of these pontiffs of the past
is at present a fault for the transubstantiated multinational.
A goddess with normal intimacy
would fully disappoint her fans.
For this case her pious marital sex
would be a conventicler against Saint Peter.
To point out that Mary was Joseph's ardent lover,
would imply to crumble the idol, the arduous work
of shady centuries and the definitive superstition.
It was inevitable to make of the good news an indelible fallacy
for the users that generate fresh money
and are reluctant to the overabundance of the Holy Spirit,
and the none discontinued chastity.
One greediness invokes another.
For the sake of the unsustainable Mariology they will stay
incoherent, avoiding at all cost to fall in the ambush
of the simple and pure gospel of Jesus of Nazareth.
Matthew 1:25; Mark 3:31-32; Psalm 69:8
22) THE QUEEN'S GLORY (paraphrases)
He grabs the ball in his area, he avoids the forwards,
crosses the midfield, deceives the defenders,
with a dribble beats the goalkeeper,
reaches the small area and goal from the king Pele.
The Catholic supporters stand up and burst out:
! Long live king Pele's sacred mother!
They celebrate the victory with a samba for her.
For this goal scored by Pele, his mother deserves
a sculpture, stickers, promoting murals, scapulars,
a van loaded with sonnets and praise,
a massive pilgrimage through the subcontinent
with her stamped on the team Shirt
and a bimestrial sport holiday.
It is clear, in any case, that all the football glory
is for the king Pele, without roguish exceptions
or sharp disquisitions, between roosters and midnight.
In this point there is no possible surrender or irresolution.
In each stadium of Brazil a colossal statue was installed, of the mother of the all fielder, with her hands extended.
Eagerly the fans ask her
that Pele score and win more championships.
The king Pele’s mom is co-player and perpetual succour.
When the fans see her before each match,
they paint their cheeks and buy champagne.
In the exclusive homage to Pele they screech:
long live the mother of King Pele, long live the mother saviour,
long live the queens of football, long live the owner of the ball.
All the sporting glory is for Pele
and only for the King Pele, without deceit.
At this point a concordat is inadmissible.
It lacks marble for the maternal effigies.
6:27; Ephesians 2:18; Ephesians 3:1 Romans 11-12;
Deuteronomy 4:15-16; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Philippians 4:1
First part.
Hail Mary; full of grace, our Lord is with you;
blessed are you among women
blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Second part.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us,
sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
From the first part.
It is supported in the new alliance,
it is a prescription of the Lord’s Kingdom.
It shows a chaste and humble, chosen young woman
for a very special and decisive ministry.
From the second part.
It is a fable that the papacy introduced
with sociological and matured tricks
from the axis of the expert totemism.
It was added by smuggling, in recurring and tenacious
operations of Satan and his presbyters.
It is the supreme ordinance that embedded paganism,
packing the anatomization in non returnable recipients.
With the tender Mary they put their bets on a sure winner.
Christ would be very severe mediating alone,
although He is the only and sufficient sidewalk to our Father.
The sagacious fetishism cultivated by theologians
granted to the worst bidder, obsequiously,
is the pinnacle creation of the Vatican.
So that the distribution of glory
be a little more equal and less blasphemous,
part of the concurrence non-pulverized by the vicars
has requested the hail-Jesus through the regular conduit,
leaning before the obstacles that the Marian Goliath
imposes on its melancholic lambs.
The obsessed cult to Mary is the best
elaborated hoax of all times
and is evident that they were replete like a peacock
with its feathers widely spread in its zenith.
When in devotion Mary substitutes Christ,
there are neither riots nor inconveniences.
Time is considered to be efficiently used.
Regarding popular festivities
the humanity's Redeemer was eliminated,
because Mary outshines Him without possibilities of a draw.
Let us pray to our Father so that Jesus is not disheartened.
In contiguity with suffering and death,
Who did Stephen, the first martyr of the church, invoke, eh?
Acts 7:59; Luke 8:21; Leviticus 26:1;
Psalm 34:5; Joshua 24:19-24; Acts 7:55
Mary is the blessed one, yes.
but as blessed as Mary herself
are those that hear and carry the Word of God,
electrocuting all rosters. That’s the way it is.
She is the first one to hold the title of holy
and we will always agree with this.
Jesus didn't call Mary mother,
“Woman” He called her, because for the Saviour
his only mother and authentic brothers
are those that comply with our Father's will.
There are no favourites, no one is, not even His mother.
What can I say? That’s the way it is. I’m sorry.
If you yearn to be as blessed as Mary was,
You should replete your self with the Spirit of God, safekeeping
his sole and Holy Word, the Bible, without spices.
What is first is first.
There are no privileged blessed ones;
no one is, not even His mother Mary.
Divine equity: Roman tragedy. That’s the way it is.
And extending His hand towards His disciples He said:
"Here is my mother and my brothers."
According to Jesus himself, who is Jesus' mother?
Luke 11:27-28; Matthew 12:48-50; Luke 1:48; Apocalypse 14:13
The bad intentioned twist
the strong convictions of Catholicism.
It’s enough of insults and insidious slanders.
“Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and in the hour of our death. Amen.”
In the imminent death and in each instant,
Christ is the mediator, the one that prays for us,
with the abundant contribution of the Holy Spirit.
Notify the infamous. Clearer than that, where?
If Mary succours, guides and intercedes powerfully,
which is the exact role of the Holy Spirit in this situation?
It is the third person of the Holy Trinity alone
the one that accompanies Jesus' Christians
in their last breath, inciting them
to cross the doorstep grasped only to Christ.
Hebrews 9:24; 1 Timothy 2:5; Hebrew 12:24; John 14:6;
Psalm 115:1-11; Romans 8:34; Romans 8:25; Hebrew 7:25
Some faecal deposits for the bronze:
“Oh Mary mother of consolation
and of the Holy hope, have mercy of me”
“Oh powerful Queen, Mother of mercy,
sinners' refuge, comforter of the heart-stricken
and afflicted. I, kneeling at your feet...”
“Oh my Lady, oh Mother of mine,
remember that I am yours”
“Defend and guard me as your own”
“Sweet heart of Mary, be my refuge”
“To you we sigh groaning and crying in this valley of tears.”
Who will exhibit a more repellent paganism than this?
The priests of Baal? The devotees of the golden calf?
Who won't conclude that in these rocky expressions
is embedded a nefarious and flourished idolatry?
The immaculate and powerful dispensator
of all celestial grace stole
Saint Peter’s keys of Heaven, unintentionally?
Isn’t Mary the possessor of the keys of the Kingdom of God?
And when is the Holy Spirit adored this way?
Psalm 62:5-6; Psalm 55:22; John 15:14; Matthew 15:25;
Luke 17:13; Isaiah 2:8; Titus 2:1
The Redeemer assisted people alone,
without His mother's help.
He healed the sick people alone,
his mom was never seen.
No one more than Him died for us,
Mary's blood was not spilled.
Only in Christ there are blessings,
the other names serve no purpose.
All went directly to the Messiah;
No one went to Mary as co-mediator, no one.
Not even the more retarded considered it.
To stop looking at Christ is unfortunate and macabre.
In the first three centuries of Christianity
Mariology didn't exist.
The Babylonians inoculated the healthy faith.
This sacrilege is a cephalalgia, an ivy.
Matthew 11:28; Matthew 20:30-34; Acts 4:12; John 14:13-14;
1 Corinthians 8:3-7; John 7:38; Mark 12:24
Mary possessed the genetic code of the blood
that Jesus spilled in the cross.
This implies that inside the mind of a highborn pagan,
believer of God and the paraphernalia,
Mary is the co-redeemer of mankind.
The next and fifth mitered heresy,
the subsequent dogma that will consolidate even more
the perdition of the ridiculous papal’s flock,
already bought its totalitarian tuxedo.
Only Christ's blood cleans us;
only He carried with all our sins,
dying dreadfully in the cross.
There are biped stones that won't capture it
neither in an European seminar of fust.
Psalm 62:2; Psalm 49:7-8; Acts 4:12; Isaiah 43:11; I Isaiah 53:6; Apocalypse 5:9; Apocalypse 1:5; Hebrew 9:24;
Hebrews 7:27; Hebrew 9:12; Hebrew 9:26
Jesus was older than his brothers,
Mary's first-born, not her only-begotten.
Jesus was the Father’s only-begotten, not His first-born.
Glory to the Father’s only-begotten, the Savior.
Glory to Mary's first-born, the Savior.
This nuclear explosion destroys completely
the pillars of the qualified superstition
and transform the Mariology in what it is,
an awful fraud, a farce.
The Holy Spirit used with brightness
the word first-born in two gospels
so non irreverent get confused
or deny the mettlesome sexuality with her husband.
The language of the new pact is smooth and crystalline
in the one that yearns to be certain, lamblike and saved.
First-born is first-born and not only-begotten.
Only-begotten is only-begotten and not first-born.
Be the Father's first-born elevated, then..?
If you don't believe Saint Mathew, believe Saint Luke.
The Greek word brother means brother.
Paul spoke about the carnal brothers of the Lord,
not of His cousins, not of His nephews.
From Joseph and Mary’s normal Jewish marriage
seven children were born, what was common then.
If the sacred writer has known
that Jesus didn't have carnal brothers,
it would not have made the stupidity of using,
undeniably, the word first-born.
The Holy Spirit is the final censurer of the Writing.
When they spoke to the Savior of His brothers,
No one illustrated that He was Mary's unique son.
The vocables “first-born” “met” “brothers”
Deciphered the logogriph that never was such.
Glory to Jesus of Nazareth, only-begotten of the Father.
Glory to Jesus of Nazareth, Mary’s first-born.
Luke 2:7; Matthew 13:55-56; John 3:16;
1 Corinthians 9:5; Matthew 1:25; 1 Corinthians 7:3-5
The Apocalypse’s book talks about Jesus
on His throne surrounded by angels and
Mary or her shadow doesn't appear any where.
In the first twentieth councils, from a total of twenty-one,
recognized by the Roman Catholic Church,
Mary's assumption doesn't appear any where.
The credo of the apostles and the credo of Nicene
they rubbed their belly of laugh with this insult.
Mary's assumption doesn't appear any where.
In Christ's ministry resuscitated as intercessor
of the believers before the celestial Father,
Mary doesn't appear any where.
The pope Gelasiuss I also condemned this maryologist belief
for absurd, unconnected and foolish.
Mary's assumption doesn't appear any where.
The great majority of the patriarchs and doctors of the church
obviously refuted this senseless legend, immediately.
She was elevated for popular acclamation, nothing else.
From this relevant dogma of the Catholic religion,
the opposed Kingdom of the Bible doesn't consign a drop.
Mary's assumption is the most disheveled travestysement.
In the pertinent evangelical order given
by the apostle Paul for the resurrections,
Joseph's wife doesn't appear any where.
They took almost two millenniums to armed themselves with courage
to sign this scandalous and contraindicated lie.
Mary's assumption won't appear any where.
John 3:13; 1 Corinthians 15:23; Genesis 3:19; Galatians 1:10
The encyclical Ad Diem Illud Laetissimum paved the road:
"This is verifiable through the painful situation of whom,
deceived by the demon or false doctrines,
pretend to be able to disregard of the Virgin's intercession.
! Unfortunate miserables! They plan to disregard of the Virgin
to honor Christ: And ignore that it is not possible
“To find the boy but through Mary, His Mother".
Irreversible: Jesus Christ without Mary is an incompetent.
Being Mary indispensable, they are subordinated to her.
Christ is only possible to be found with the guide of a Comforter
that doesn't require of assistants neither of devout deceased.
The unfortunate miserables will get lost for not assuming it.
The one that disesteem Mary as intercessor
it is an unhappy unfortunate! An ignorant.
The apostolic church neither mentioned Mary.
This encyclical gets us rid of all doubts.
Isaiah 45:22; Psalm 62:5-6; Mathew 11:28; Luke 11:27-28;
Luke 8:20-21; Galatians 4:26; Matthew 12:36-37
If the Sacred Virgin is powerful is indispensable,
indispensable in the redemption’s performance.
And if the redemption’s performance doesn't detach from her,
this implies that Christ is tied to her.
And if God and the saved one depends on Jesus' mother,
the mediator of all the graces and favors,
God is no longer God, but a puppet,
and the saved one is not a chained to The Father,
and the salvation’s performance is a tragicomedy.
Psalm 62:6; Acts 4:12; Apocalypse 7:10; Psalm 27:1;
Romans 5:15; 1 Corinthians 8:6
Mary appears surprisingly.
Owed to the shock nobody perceives
what is behind the disguise of light.
The bishop doesn’t believe anything at the beginning
and shows a face of an skeptical and equanimous man,
as part of the focused planed route.
Multicolored miracles that are assigned to it
give to this bluff a canonical and noisy carved.
Gathered the curds hallucinations, selected romanists
and an impish lawyer, will be convinced and they will convince
anyhow, conducting the consciences and the science
toward the Salve and to the eight of December, with faith.
After a couple of decades or more,
the very same profaners
believed themselves the complete fable, blindly and kneeled,
disconnecting the New Testament from the wrong.
The remunerative auto-prophecy goes wind-aft.
It is strange to find three sanctuaries for three apparitions
in the same city and less in the same settlement.
The distribution of the maternal money boxes
it excludes towns that, feeling neglected
made up sub-saints or another attractions
because they where left without a virgin or a saint
that carries metallic, jesters and pilgrimages.
Shrimp that falls asleep it is carried by the current.
Mary is disciplined in her manifestations
And appeared only to romanized mentalities.
Fatimah, Lourdes, Guadalupe, the black virgin and others,
each one shelters more than three millions
of adherents walking purses per year.
2 Corinthians 11:3; 2 Corinthians 11:14; 2 Timothy 4:4;
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12; Proverbs 19:3
Mother of God, mother of the sacred church, cicerone,
perpetual savior, Queen of the universe and the earth,
Patroness of the homeland, shelter for the oppressed.
Surpasses in quantity of compliments, humming, flatteries
and quicksteps to The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit,
without pudicity.
Do they only worship Mary? Not adored her?
Divines, nobiliary, religious and military designations.
Millions light her candles and cry with faith.
her month and her festivities exhaust the gymnasts.
They prefers her and many walks only for her.
Possesses artistic works, sanctuaries for bunches
and more statues than heroes, dictators and added Christos.
Her pilgrimages are more than the feces to the sea.
There are people that gives themselves to her without ever recapacitate.
They made her promises, prayers, beguinage and all kind of flatteries.
They suck her foot and others damage their knees.
The tawnier calls her Sacred Virgin meanwhile in the Bible
no where is named or denominated Holy.
Her assumption possesses as foundation only the popular longing.
Do they not adored, Mary? Only worshipped her?
There are more schools and organizations with her name
than the name of the Holy Spirit.
God, in the first centuries created without Mary,
particularly in the three first ones, today He wouldn’t.
The idolatrous cult to Mary is made without considerations.
Do they only worship Mary? Not adored her?
With a dauntless, vile, pad and capon clergy,
the Catholics won't be flooded with the Spirit of life.
This would bring the hecatomb of the truthful redemption.
But the clergymen with their cynic face reaffirm:
Mary is not adored, she is only worshipped!
The Supreme Creator would wish only for him
all the honor, commendation, witty compliments, walks,
prayers, feelings and glory that is dedicated to Mary.
Apocalypse 5:12; 2 Timothy 4:4; Apocalypse 9:20-21; Isaiah 48:11;
1 Corinthians 2:2; Hebrew 8:6; John 3:13; Philippians 4:20
The sacred headquarters approves:
“Ea then Lady, advocator of our,
turn to us those merciful eyes.”
Isn’t Jesus Christ the only and more than enough
advocator between God and mortals?
Why what they request to Mary in the ejaculatory prayers
they don't request it to Christ Almighty straightaway,
if there is not any eschatological inconvenient
and if the Nazarene is also reliable and affective,
as Bartimeo the blind man corroborated in Jericho
and if the Vatican doesn’t still irritate with those that pray to Christ?
Mary would be seated to the right of Christ,
as well as she was in the eminent last dinner
and in the so many preaching and sanities of the Lord.
1 John 2:1-2; Psalm 62:5-8; Psalm 37:7;
Hebrews 4:15-16; John 14:16; Luke17:13; Mark 10:46-52
To Mary were added parents that were not hers
and took away the children that were hers.
Joaquin and Ana are the canonized gnomes
that satiates the affection of the presbyters
to that cliff without protection meshes,
that has them to light years of the truthfulness
and from the immortal rosarium of our Father, God.
If the Mother of God is exceptional and immaculate,
the mother of God’s Mother also is,
and so forth back, until Eva.
The Vatican Mariology is a stubborn mixture of:
deceits, processed cunnings, grandiloquent rites and truths;
myths, lucrative apparitions and real facts;
fabrications, elaborateness, devout spiritism, stolidity and fishhooks;
babylonian chastity, knaveries and monetary retributions.
When they nail a foot of mine to the coffin
I will go once again only to the Savior.
The roman mariology is the official fable
that doesn't attach to moral regulations
at the time of brain washing, conjure,
strengthened, make rascally and self-finance.
Mark 3:32; Matthew 1:25; Psalm 69:8; Exodus 20:3
37) AVE
Ave Caesar? Never.
And Ave Mary? Not ever, neither out of our senses.
And Ave Jesus? Always, and in each blow.
That absolutely the whole glory, honors, troves,
Tap-dances, floral arrangements and Aves,
be for our Lord Jesus Christ
and only for our Lord Jesus Christ,
For the centuries of the centuries. Amen.
You can go in peace.
Acts 17:7; Apocalypse 4:9; Matthew 4:10;
Romans 16:27; 2 Samuel 22:2-4
Why Mary is a complement of the Spirit of love?
Why do they assign her tasks and attributes of the Spirit?
Why does she reception more tunas, dancing, flatteries,
encyclicals, genuflexions, pat of affection, bows,
tunes, bulls, marches and elegies than God Himself,
or the Third Person of the Trinity?
Does The Spirit of God work with absolute effectiveness
not including Mary and the other exalted deads and outsiders?
Does Mary's presence alleviate the Consoler?
And if the Holy Spirit stays completely orphan
as intercessor, helper, guide and bleacher, it works?
Which is the transgression that God won't forgive?
The Mastery exhorts the flock impudently to go to Mary.
Why then the Vatican doesn't obliged under admonition
to nestle in Mary, if she is the glorious intermediates
and the seat of all the divine graces,
by means of a specific and differentiated dogma, ah?
What do they fear? Why the hesitation?
The Catholic Church advises to take refuge in Mary,
the gospel orders intransigently to go only to the Redeemer.
What apostolic exhortation gives them to the charismatic
Catholic that only strives for Jesus of Nazareth?
Who do play the guitar only to the one Crucified in Rome?
1 Corinthians 2:11; Luke 3:16; Titus 3:5; Matthew 11:28
In terms of real adoration, Mary doesn't show
diminished in front of God Almighty.
Countless Catholic takes refuge in her,
sometimes without repairs neither symmetries nor traumas.
Marian friend don't lose temper, there are still
falsehoods pending that will make even bigger
and strong the famous Babylonian divinity.
Nothing is too much when it issued to exalt her,
with manually knitted sophisms and idiomatic twirls.
The dogma of the co-redemption comes galloping.
Calculating that the current glory that possesses
it doesn't satisfy the insatiable idolatrous thirst,
the theologians give themselves head stroke against the quay
gleaning her another regal title or divine attribute
that exasperates once again the saint devotion of God,
that was enervated with the dementia of the Roman’s Mariology.
Isaiah 48:11; Psalm 91:15; Isaiah 44:10;
Matthew 6:13; Romans 11:36
Mary is mediator.
The only and enough mediators
between God and men is Jesus Christ.
Mary is immaculate.
The only one immaculate is Jesus.
Figure and Patronesses in countless countries.
The only and enough Patron is the Nazarene.
Mary is co-redeemer.
The only and enough Redeemer is Christ.
Mary is The Landlady.
The only and enough Landlords is Christ.
General of the Andes liberator’s army.
Christ is the only and enough Liberator
and chauffeur of the History, without blocking Himself up.
Queen of my country and the universe.
The only and enough king is Christ.
All yours the Vatican tells her.
For respect, loyalty and common sense,
we only say it to Christ Jesus.
Mother of God. God will never have a progenitor.
Mary possesses her own month, solemnities and memoirs.
Let the entirety year be to honor Jesus.
Mary registers her own religious holydays.
Let that the entirety of the religious holydays
be to magnify only the King of kings.
That all the scores, choreographies, glory and honors,
be for The Lord and only for The Lord,
for the centuries of the centuries. Amen.
With what other self-important argument will they design
an enlargement to this obstinated paganism?
The penetrating and perverse cult to Mary is beautiful
for the flesh and its penetrating emotions,
but it is devastating for the salvation of the soul.
Who deviates its pupils from Christ, is wasted.
The only and enough roadway with which you arrive
to the First Person of the Holy Trinity,
is the Second Person of the Sacred Trinity
in the era of the Third Person of the Trinity.
Apocalypse 5:12; John 3:35; Isaiah 45:20-22; Isaiah 33:2;
Psalm 62:5-6; 1Timothy 2:5; Psalm 62:8
“The Sacred Virgin is worshipped with the title
“Mother of God” protection under which shelters
the faithful suppliants in all their dangers and necessities.”
With this declaration they did discharge the Consoler?
When God created Eva, created her grate grandmother?
How a human being is the mother of God?
Does The Creator buy flowers in mother's day?
Why Jesus called her “woman" and never “mother "?
Why Elisabeth spoke of “the mother of my Lord”
and never of the mother of God or “my mother?”
Christ as a solitary protector of the flock
is it worth the skin of an exquisite tropical banana?
The Second Person of the Holy Trinity
it is before the foundation of the cosmos.
The Savior human nature didn't have father;
the Savior divine nature didn't have mother.
If the divinity of the Second incarnated Person
didn't come from her, then Mary cannot be
the mother of God or the Jesus' divinity.
She only gave Christ her human nature.
Mary is the mother of God humanity.
Jesus' mother is one and the monstrous
Sacred Virgin is her antipode, glorified.
Romans 16:13; Mathew 12:47-50; Luke 1:43;
Isaiah 43:10; Psalm 65:1; Isaiah 44:9-10
Lord, all will come and they will only adore you
because only you are sacred, only you;
and there is not another prototype of sanctity.
Christ's Christian only praise you,
only dance for you, only adore you,
because only you are so sacred that is a paragon
of sanctity and absolutely nobody else will model.
Jesus, you are the only paradigm of the purity.
Apocalypse 15:4; Isaiah 6:3; Ezekiel 39:7; Psalm 99:3
Jesus at the age of twelve in the temple
already understood with devotion the matters of God,
His Father, but Mary didn't understand anything
of this exordium of the salvation.
Why the “guide” and “perpetual aid”
was so disarranged with the young Jesus expression:
“In my Father's matters I had to be?”
Why was the Queen of Heaven so decentred?
Wasn’t the misled Joseph’s wife
an impertinent in the weddings of Canaan?
Mary didn't think in a given moment
that Jesus was mentally sick or half crazy,
questioning this way the very same divine Verb,
with a disconcerting and irreverent attitude?
What Mother of God and helper is this?
When did she know with accuracy all that Jesus was?
Let us pray so that Mary regrets her flirtations.
Luke 2:49-50; Marks 3:21; John 2:3-5; John 1:9
Born Jesus, Mary was dirty seven days.
At the eighth day they circumcised the boy.
Thirty three days more she was purifying herself.
With offerings of humble people,
the priest made expiation for her
according to Moses’ law; And Mary was clean.
The conception was supernatural, the childbirth was common.
This purification ceremony was not a farce
neither a prodigious Shakespearean’s play.
Mary’s purification was genuine and imperious.
She refers to God as “my Saviour”
for circumstances that are elucidated immediately.
Luke 2:21-24; Leviticus 12:1-8; Luke 1:47
Every morning they prayed to Mary,
every afternoon they knelt down before Jesus.
One evening they forgot the Nazarene.
The feigner priest irritates with so much pus.
The Redeemer gives nobody a door slam,
it is heretical the intervention of this Mariology.
To the repented pagan gives a new name;
Christ surrounds in fullness all new day.
Psalm 34:17; John 6:37; Colossians 1:19; Apocalypse 3:20;
1 Peter 5:7; Mathew8:27; Psalm 46:1
They devised this humbug in a crammed baseboard
of flattering and ambitious cardinals,
with advanced studies in transcendental economy,
they reproached with anger to the pope the lack
of magnificence in Mary's assumption
and the absence of a more serious managerial vision,
of longer term that assures a cash flow
constant and inextinguishable in the arks of the papacy,
in this “Star” product that always gives interests.
Each sanctuary or branch will be a committed partner.
The Mariology is the cardinal dividend of the vicariousness.
They deduced that to obtain concrete giant benefits,
it was urgent to make Mary ascend to heaven
in an glowing and cinematographic way,
with that feverish imagination and specification
that only the greed of suckling's children procreates.
While they enlarges more the pagan goddess
with stories with profit purposes, ornaments,
special effects and test tube lies,
it secured more the irrationality and the fidgeting about
of the landowners of the false purgatory.
The Revelation doesn't know how from above
the extinct goddess aids, co-redeem and shelters
to a few sheep that praise, request, cry,
dance and beg her, without adoring her?
Before the bishops of the world were consulted
the assembling was already prepared
for a firm “Yes” to the dogma of the assumption.
Pious XII, the gallant informer of the holocaust,
the one that defended with a spadone to Jews and gypsy,
doesn't waste his populist plebiscites
and a mislaid prelate ends up in the hell.
Not foreseeing the papacy that gets it muddy,
there are no longer barriers to stop from growing
that legend that will never acidified
with the mortal sins of a mundane and
stubborn flock, with the neo-testamentary regret.
The impossible reefs that the Saint Writing imposes
to the Catholic Mariology, are to surpass them,
anyhow and without ethical or humdrum regulations.
And they glorified the corpse of Joseph's wife.
And how a deceased will help those if the deads
will never again have part in all that is done
under the sun, as their memory is put in forgetfulness?
She was crowned amid seven hills
with archangels and scribes vomiting to streams.
Ecclesiastes 9:5-6; John 3:13; Hebrews 4:14-16;
Romans 1:25; 1Timothy 6:15-16; Colossians 3:23
The woman's seed and not the woman
it will squash with its foot the head of the snake.
“And the God of peace will squash shortly
to Satan under your feet.”
Who does undo the works of the wicked one?
Who is the one that squashes?
Christ, Abraham's seed.
Modern Catholic Bibles have translated well
this paragraph of the Genesis, with the correct seed,
but Rome doesn't vary its apocalyptic position.
“For this the Son of God appeared,
to undo the devil's works.”
Genesis 3:15; Galatians 3:16; Romans 16:20; 1 John 3:8; Hebrews 2:14
You are: Protected, fated and blessed;
liberated from the enemies and of the bad omens;
exiled from the purgatory at the first change of guard;
with the possibility of requesting whatever you wish
and will be granted with readiness and quality.
If you don't believe me, observes your blissful daily life.
They fifteen promises of the Queen are so accessible and imposing
that the ones of the Holy Writing grows pale.
Once again the Spirit of God scratched his head:
¿What will I do if every day I possess less acres of land?
2 Peter 1:4; 1 Timothy 6:15-16; 1 Timothy 1:17; Romans 16:27
Psalm 23:1; 2 Peter 3:13; Psalm 50:22; Psalm 91:1-10
Demeter has not died, he lives. Isis has not died, she lives.
Diana has not died, she lives. Cybele has not died, she lives.
The pagan deities live in Mary,
with the support of the Babylonian church.
Big is Diana of the Ephesians,
big is Mary of the Catholics.
With this concentrate of goddesses called mothers Mary
and with the saints agglutinated in the altar,
the Vatican vitaminized and it systematized the paganism;
a mush of bread-crumbs in those years.
Psalm 95:1-8; Mathew 4:10; Facts 19:28;
1 Corinthians 9:16; 2 Corinthians 6:17.
You sang to Mary imitating your mom.
You do pilgrimage for her, in a mechanical direction,
to accompany the indigency of your off springs.
Erubescent is the cult to Mary,
not the pious mother in the incarnation of the Verb.
When you take a bath with shampoo in the Ne Testament,
the scombers of the filthy grassland will vanish.
Touching her mute image you don't presages anything.
Little birds fly over your chuckle-head;
the depression arises of that anything.
Psalm 31:1-5; Ephesians 4:18; Ephesians 5:5;
James 1:5; Hebrew 13:8
“But he didn't meet her until
she gave birth to her first-born son.”
For consideration to her virginity
Joseph met her after the childbirth,
not before, as Adam met Eva.
“Then Mary said to the angel:
¿How will this be? Because I don't know male.”
It didn’t pass through Joseph’s head
to know her before the first childbirth,
informed of the plan of the Holy Spirit.
After the common childbirth the marriage was the usual one.
Mathew 1:25; Genesis 4:1; Luke 1:34-35
Mary, mother of the Nazarene’s humanity,
gave birth to seven children in a marriage without stain.
Her erotism with Joseph pleased God a lot.
Conceived by action and grace of the Holy Spirit,
born her first-born, her first son, the Redeemer.
In the sex she was an ardent and standard saint.
To avoid the intimacy is sinful and dangerous.
Joseph was not a strange masochist or an impotent.
The husbands and wives that not caress each other go to the doctor.
Let us don't accuse Mary of frigid or indifferent.
The will of the Trinity is that the woman
be developed integrally, without vile aftertastes.
The perpetual virginity was a curse for the Jews
and it is a blessing in the pagans of all times.
Mary was a wife, partner and exemplary lover.
Their home was not an extravagant monastery.
The aphrodisiac delight with married certificate is sanctified.
To her they have invented, subtracted and attaché from everything.
The pious sex between Joseph and the goddess Mary
overthrow the Catholic doctrine forever.
God requested to Joseph that never in his life
touch his wife, because he planned to elevate her
to the category of Mother of God and the church?
What type of feeble and Babylonian petition is this?
The temporary virginity of a Mary
conceived by the Holy Spirit,
only attempted to enhance the immaculate birth
of the humanity of God, of Emanuel.
Born Mary's first-born or the Only-begotten of the Father
and already completed the objectives of the Incarnation in Bethlehem,
Joseph met Mary in the intimacy,
in the sexual intimacy of a normal marriage.
What type of head would request to a husband
that never caresses his wife?
1 Corinthians 7:3-5; Proverbs 5:18-19; Judges 11:38;
Mathew 1:25; Song of Songs 2:16; Psalm 69:8; Mathew 13:55
If Jesus was God and Mary was Jesus' mother,
then Mary is the mother of God;
of a God that was deceased in a cross
and abandoned us for so many hours.
As liberals as this are the Roman algorithms.
If she is Mother of the Son, Daughter of the Father
and wife of the Holy Spirit, is because Mary is adorable
and permanently adored, although they deny it
with a stubborn and stucco-work face.
Mary is not jet the fourth person of the Holy Trinity,
but she doesn’t lack designations, honors and attributes.
She is not jet the fourth person of the Trinity,
but in the roman table they have put a fourth seat
in more than one occasion, with Joseph’s wife
as the invited of honor in the Trinity’s dinner.
God didn’t born from her womb, in the cross God didn't die.
God will never born neither will die, his humanity yes.
Mary is the mother of God’s humanity.
Does the Holy Trinity has an ancestor?
No, God doesn't have mother neither great-grandmother.
Apocalypse 5:12; Galatians 4:4; Isaiah 45:22;
Apocalypse 1:6; 2 Peter 3:18; John 1:14
The not requested and idle mediation of Mary
lean on the Christ’s mediation and it depends of this.
The one that laughs of her maternal aid is scorched.
Christ's mediation without Mary
it is wet gunpowder, the shot to the air of a drunk.
God without its mother is a shipwreck one.
The Catholic without her is a bonfire without fire.
The Vatican idolizes her with fusses
because the Trinity alone is not self-sufficient,
as the Marialis Cultus and the Lumen Gentium ratifies it.
Jesus' only mediation rises in the creatures
a diverse collaboration that participates of the only source.
Is that the only and enough sources mediating alone
it crushes the Tradition and its illusionism.
Jesus is definitely qualified to absorb the petitions alone.
All grace and mediation goes by Mary,
otherwise God’s glory would collapse,
with millions of devoted waiting in the corridor.
Without Mary, Christ doesn't give the size, definitively.
Mary's intercession is not discardable,
the thousands of processions confirm it.
Hebrews 7:25; Romans 8:34; Hebrew 9:24; James 4:10
The suffering Jesus requested to John
to took care of his widowed mother.
Mary became John's mother;
his other children didn't jet believe in Him.
The disciple lodged her in his house
ending up knowing her in such a way,
that noticed and confirmed that the immaculate ones
simply don’t exist,
sentencing absolutely in his epistle:
“If we say that we have not sinned,
we make Him a liar,
and His word is not in us.”
Mary also sinned, as all did.
It was notified to us by John the apostle in the New Testament,
a hagiographer quite near to Jesus' mother.
“Since all have sinned” “There is not righteous, not even one.”
Only Jesus is pointed out like “without sin.”
Which was the precise mechanism that God used
to reveal to the Teachings, the dogma
of Mary's Immaculate Conception
and contradict this way the Epistle to the Hebrews,
that shouts loud that the only one that didn’t sin was Jesus?
She, herself refers to God as “My Savior.”
If in some instant she was redeemed,
in some instant she was a sinner.
Mary's death was Adamic,
as a consequence of the original sin.
Her flesh was not different from Barabbas’s.
Did you finished counting the doctors, popes,
bishops, priests, presbyters and acolytes of the church
that refuted the heretical Immaculate Conception,
starting with Saint Augustine and Saint Thomas of Aquino?
1 John 1:8-10; John 19:26-27; Hebrews 4:15; Romans 3:23;
Romans 3:10; Luke 6:46; Ecclesiastes 7:20
Mary is the mother of the church
and no biblical epistle mentions her name.
The designated mother of the church
disappears from the New Testament
in the precise instant that the church is born.
With the descent of the Holy Spirit the church germinated
and of the mother of the church was never more known.
Paul points out to the mother of Rufus as his mother.
The mother of the church is the spiritual Jerusalem.
For the apostolic church Mary didn't exist.
The church is born in the Pentecost,
and Mary’s name extinguishes in the Pentecost.
Absolutely nobody says mother to Mary, nobody,
not even Jesus.
Galatians 4:26; Acts 1:14; Romans 16:13; Acts 2:2
A woman dressed as sun,
and over her head a crown of twelve stars.
And being pregnant, clamored with labour pains,
in the anguish of her childbirth.
Rome teaches that Mary didn't suffer in her labour
so the apocalyptic woman is not her,
it is the town of Israel and all the parish priests know it,
coinciding with Joseph's visionary dream.
The twelve stars are the twelve tribes of Israel,
the twelve apostles and the sun is the light of God;
and the one that gets dressed of light is the church, sharply.
They see the wife and Joseph’s lover even in the stupid soup.
Apocalypse 12:1-2; Genesis 37:9; Jeremiah 6:2;
Genesis 43:23-26; Psalm 84:11; Malachi 4:2
“Do all that He tells you.”
Do all that Jesus tells you to do and what the gospel points out.
What the Writings don’t specify will never be a Christian dogma.
Don't add anything to the New Testament and live it just as it is,
without making it up and will be saved, happy and vivacious evangelists.
This is my only and enough command
and don't need nothing else... are we clear?
In the Holy Spirit inhabit all the wings
to fly and hug the Father via Jesus Christ,
and my presence is irrelevant and unnecessary.
Expressed her command, Mary's mouth
closes forever in the Bible, forever,
for the intellectual author's will, the Holy Spirit.
John 2:5; John 12:48; Deuteronomy 4:2; Mark 7:7-9;
Acts 4:12; John 14:13-14; John 14:26
All grace comes from the Father, only by means of the Son,
with the breath of the Holy Spirit. Nobody else participates.
The allotment of the grace only inhabits inside
of the Holy Trinity. Mary is a cleft.
“They increased a lot more, for the many, the grace
and the gift of God owed to the grace of one man, Jesus Christ”
“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ” Be with all of you.
“The God of all grace” Acts solitary in the distribution.
In the humiliation to Christ, you capture the state of grace.
Romans 5:15; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Romans 16:20; 1 Peter 5:10;
Hebrews 4:16; Acts 6:8; 2 Corinthians 13:14
Blessed are you, among all the women,
not over all the women.
“Blessed is Jael among the women.”
Jael is not revered by the Catholics.
Is to John the Baptist to who pointed out
as the biggest in the Kingdom.
To the one that Jesus healed, He called woman, like to his mom.
When they prayed for the succession of Judas they didn't mention her.
And Jesus told to his mother:
“Dear woman why do you involve me? My time has not jet come”
How inopportune was Mary in the weddings of Canaan?
Judges 5:24; John 2:5; Acts 1:24; Luke 1:28; Judges 5:24; Mathew 11:11; Mathew 15:28
The apostle that new Mary better
asseverated for instruction of the Spirit of life:
“No-one has ever gone into heaven”,
absolutely no-one has gone into heaven,
“Except the one who came from heaven".
Listens, in the new alliance the one lifted up is one,
only one.
John 3:13
Why the dogma of the Immaculate Conception took
nineteen centuries in settling and the one of the assumption twenty?
Two overtopped dogmas of the spirituality
took a long time, almost two millenniums?
A lot of blindness or little paganism?
Why the centuries passed and passed
and no pontiff ingratiate with these false hoax?
What did it tie to the deposit of the faith?
To the unscrupulous interpreters of the Word?
Hundred of years misled without the water
of these magnificent dogmas of faith, for the papal delay?
Is Mary in the full use of all her capacities or not jet?
The nominal church still not formally degusted
of her indispensable co-redemption.
Why so much paucity?
Are they waiting that another millennium passes?
If you prostitute twenty centuries with vehemence
the New Testament, you will end up announcing
Mary's glorious assumption and authenticating
with blessed water the other Marian’s dogmas.
Psalm 142:5; Acts 17:11; Apocalypse 22:18-19;
Mathew 6:8; Psalm 141:8
“Blessed be your purity and eternally be it,
because an entire God relaxes in so amusing beauty.
To you, celestial princess, sacred Virgin Mary,
I offer you in this day soul, life and heart.
Look at me with compassion, don't leave me, Mother of mine.”
With a goddess like this, God for moments becomes a cadet
or it is planed a coup with the vicar's mortars?
With this idolatrous offer to Mary,
the Sacred Writing is harassed and annulled.
And if the faithful ones offer themselves entirely only to Christ Jesus,
they rest helpless because they lack something vital?
If the Catholic insults with an immense joy
Mary's mediation, to go only to the glorious Christ,
his soul is condemned? Is she indispensable?
Christ without Mary is a canoe without oars, a wonder-struck.
John 16:24; 1 Chronicles 29:11-17; Hebrew 13:15;
John 8:47; Psalm 50:15
Mary's mediation shows the power
of the glorious mediation of Christ.
When the Consoler has some free time
He does exactly the same.
She is helper, lawyer, aid and guide.
When the Spirit of God has extra time
performs exactly the same function.
When the Spirit of life goes on vacations
nobody remembers Him, thanks to Mary.
Nobody quantifies the unforgivable sin.
The one that goes to Saint Theresa or another saint
underrating Mary is a fool?
The one that goes to Saint Theresa and Mary
at the same time it is more clear-sighted?
The one that prays to Saint Theresa, to Mary
and to Christ in one go is a wise one?
The one that only goes to Jesus Christ is a super-endowed?
It is a lack of criteria that the Catholics sometimes pray
to Christ or a saint excluding Mary?
Sometimes Mary is not imperious?
Is the prayer that eliminates Jesus' mother an anathema?
The our father, the apostles and the children of God,
discard frontally all intervention of her.
If all the effectiveness of her mediations is taken out from Christ,
then Christ alone is completely self-sufficient
as mediator and it doesn't promote neither requests collaborations,
because with the Holy Spirit he has enough and more than enough.
Operating totally alone and abandoned,
The Holy Trinity doesn't disappear neither gets scared.
Hebrews 12:24; 2 Corinthians 13:14; 2 Timothy 3:16-17;
John 14:6; 1 Peter 1:2; 2 Timothy 4:17-18
The generations will call you the blessed one
and nothing else. Only this way they’ll call you.
Any repentant that keeps her word
is a blessed one, anyone, and without ranges.
The generations won't give you another title, non one,
and they will call you only the blessed one and only that.
It is requested not to insist neither to become imaginative.
“And blessed the one that believed, because it will be completed
what was said on behalf of the Lord.”
Her believing in the promises of God was faithful,
submissive and obedient, before His presence.
The race of the blessed ones is only one.
We will call you the blessed one, nothing else.
The Gospel ordered this way and only this way will be done.
The one that makes the Father's will is a blessed one.
The children adorned themselves from the Son's virtues.
Luke 1:45-48; Luke 11:27-28; Apocalypse 3:21
Mary was not mother of Jesus' divinity,
Mary was not the mother of Jesus' divine aspect,
Mary was not the mother of his divinity,
Mary is not mother of the divinity,
Mary is not the mother of the divinity,
Mary is not the mother of God,
Mary is not mother of God.
Mary was the mother of Jesus' humanity.
God never had a great-grandmother,
God never had a grandmother,
God never had a mother.
Mary: Was a redeemed sinner;
she was mother of seven children; it didn't ascend to heaven.
John 1:14
As well as Solomon followed Ashtoreth,
the pagan goddess in fashion,
today the Vatican follows without railings
their own Queen of heaven.
The degradation is the same one.
The old goddesses with a boy in arms see in Mary
and the Mariology a mirror, of which they feel proud
and dotty, since their legacy didn't finish.
The king Jesus is so associated to the Queen Mary,
that without her the work of the redemption is ruined.
1 Kings 11:5; Philippians 2:9-10; Apocalypse 5:12;
Deuteronomy 4:23-24; Jeremiah 44:16-25; Apocalypse 19:6
Mary's mediation is a Father's gift,
Jesus' mediation is the Father's will.
Between both will perform well the whole task
and they won't separate from each other neither to sneeze.
He doesn't work without her and she doesn't work alone.
If they will lack encouragement the saints will be the cheerleaders.
God would be fascinated with this novelty procedure.
Mary stands in half of the highway
that men travels toward God Father.
She is at the service of Christ's mediation,
in a such way, that Christ without this service
it wouldn’t be under conditions of crossing the street alone.
She wouldn’t make him shadow neither would compete with Him.
She would benefit and wouldn’t impede the union to Jesus.
Without this crucial and maternal favouritism,
the God Almighty and the believer neglect,
that’s why Mary gathers with her hands at both,
so to the work of the redemption, lacks nothing.
They hired the Holy Spirit as part time jurist.
John 6:35; Isaiah 45:22; Apocalypse 9:20-21; Ephesians 6:15
He is the new Adam, she is the new Eva.
Everything will go by Mary's hands,
otherwise God will begin a hunger strike.
Without me nothing can be done, Mary exclaims with vigor,
the co-redeemer and copilot of the Road.
Her feminine mediation is subordinated at His,
and the blackmailed won't interpellate their Mother.
For the time being she is a secret co-redeemer,
because no pontiff has been so unhinged
to approve this dogma before witness, still.
Pious Nonuse and Pious twelve are clonables, pitifully.
Mary consecrated herself so much to Jesus' evangelization,
that didn't accompany him anywhere
in his preacher’s ministry.
She saw him to be born, grow and die, with a great love.
The first spiritual death comes for Eva
and the second death for the Mariology.
Jesus says: “I am the life” “I am the bread”
“I am the true” “I am the road”
“I am the resurrection” “I am the door.”
Me and only me, me and only me. I am, I am and only I am.
So much divine self-worship, was repaired with the Mariology.
John 14:14; John 15:5; John 15:14; John 14:6; Exodus 3:14; Acts 22:8
Mary is the great co-mediator before God,
the saints are co-mediators before God.
Some go with so much faith to a saint that obviate
the mediator of all the graces.
Others go only to her, repealing the saints.
The catholics which were able to land in paradise
also help the requesters of here below.
They intoxicate themselves
with the so many collaborations and sometimes,
they get lost in this fair of subordinate mediations.
Never lack the sluggish that decided to look
only to Jesus Christ for the centuries of the centuries, without skids.
John 14:6; Isaiah 45:22; Ecclesiastes 9:5-6;
John 9:11; Galatians 5:24
Only before the childbirth of her first-born
the New Testament denominates her virgin, twice.
Then it will only call her mother, more than twenty.
Born the Redeemer, the Kingdom of Heaven
never again denominates Mary the virgin, never again,
especially not after she was known by Joseph, her loved husband.
After the childbirth the Catholics call her virgin,
the Holy Spirit not.
Mathew 1:25; Luke 1:27; Mathew 1:23; Luke 8:19
There they planted the authorized images
of Christ, Mary and saint Peter.
Whom do you greet first? Or the order alters nothing?
A good number neither looks at Jesus.
How many minutes for each one is the healthy way?
Several neither look Mary nor saint Peter.
Others pass through with an enormous inappetence.
Do all the devotions value the same before the mass?
Is Mary the door that cuts all the tickets?
Which is the recipe of the Vatican?
In our hill the image of Jesus' mother
is the biggest and they settled her higher,
much higher, very much higher.
The crowd reaches her with their tongues out
and impregnated of popular and degrading bad habits.
Others stop reflexive and strategic minutes
in Christ's statue, with sun glasses, to compensate,
for the sake of that war against the scandalous
predilection that our hill lavishes to Mary.
In this hill to pray to Christ is a witticism.
Where did they put the Lord?
John 10:7; Marks 15:47; 1 Timothy 6:15-16;
Mathew 4:10; Hebrews 10:19-22; Romans 16:27; Hebrews 13:8;
1 Timothy 1:17
Let us pray to the Father by means of Christ,
with the wealthy support of the Holy Spirit.
We only praise the Father, the Son and the Consoler.
To no one else we sing him, not even joking.
By means of the eternal Spirit
Christ offered himself to God.
The Lamb of God is the only one worthy
of glory, honors, birds, musical and walks.
Except from Jesus,
there is non rightful, not even one;
there is non immaculate, not even one.
The mediation of the Holy Spirit
it shows the power of Christ's mediation,
promoting an immediate consecration to the Trinity.
this way is everything that is everything.
Jesus Christ is the only and enough Redeemer.
Glory to the Father, to the Son and the Holy Spirit.
“And I won’t give my honor to other.”
Isaiah 48:11; Romans 3:10; Apocalypse 5:13;
Isaiah 45:22; Isaiah 55:6; 1 Timothy 2:5; John 14:6;
Mathew 11:28; Hebrews 9:14; 2 Corinthians 13:14
Lady of the perpetual succors.
Only the Holy Spirit succors us.
Star of the pilgrim nation.
The only and enough guider of the Father's nation
is the Spirit of love.
Aider Mary.
The only and enough aid
is God Holy Spirit, obvious.
Mary helps.
A hundred percent of all help comes
from the Spirit of life, always.
Mary consoles us.
The only and enough consoler of the soul
is the Spirit of Yahweh.
Mary, star of the new evangelization.
The only and enough supportive and main protagonists
of all evangelization is the Holy Spirit.
Mary holds our hand and takes us to Jesus.
The only one that hold our hand and take us to the Nazarene
without any necessity of an aid-de-camp or cortege,
is the God Almighty Holy Spirit, irrefutable.
The Holy Spirit is self-sufficient in its ministry
as helper, guide, intercessor before Christ, comforter,
mindful, sanctifier and exclusive Vicar of Christ,
and it doesn't require of a company’s lady.
Any rustic brick understands it.
The Third Person of the Holy Trinity
it doesn't share her tasks and operates alone,
only inside the divine Trinity.
Let us glorify to God’s Holy Spirit.
Romans 8:26-27; John 14:16; John 14:26; 1 Corinthians 2:11;
Acts 10:44; Luke 3:16; Acts 2:38
Let us welcome the Holy Spirit
that complete and definitively will replace
Mary, the pensioner, among the catholics.
Attention, where used to say Mary, now says Holy Spirit:
“Holy Spirit of God, plead for us, sinners,
now and in the hour of our death. Amen.”
“Under the protection of the Holy Spirit
the faithful suppliants look for shelter
in all their dangers and necessities.”
“Oh Holy Spirit remembers me....”
“Holy Spirit comes to liberate the nation
that trips and wants to get up.”
“Holy Spirit, plead to Christ for us.”
“Holy Spirit, to you we sighs,
groaning and crying in this valley of tears.”
“Ea, then, Holy Spirit, lawyer of ours,
turns to us those, your merciful eyes.”
“Holy Spirit, blessed be your purity.”
“Nothing comes to us except
by means of the mediation of the Holy Spirit”
“We believe that nobody else can,
as only can the Holy Spirit,
bring us to the divine and human dimension of the mystery”
“I am all yours Holy Spirit”
“Holy Spirit, guide us to the Saviour.”
“To Jesus by means of the Holy Spirit”
God Holy Spirit has more than enough attributes,
talent, contacts, sensibility, power and fondness
to replace and to displace Mary
and the saints in absolutely all intercession, for ever.
Nobody opposed to this evangelical evidence.
The Holy Spirit influences powerfully on the Son
and the Son influences powerfully on the Father.
Let us prostrates before the Holy Trinity.
Let us adore and kneel before that Holy Spirit
that is the only and enough Mediator of the Mediator before the Father
and conductor of the sincere searchers of the truth.
Ave Holy Spirit. Ave Holy Spirit. Ave Holy Spirit.
Romans 8:14; Romans 8:26-27; John 14:16; John 16:4-15;
1 Corinthians 2:10; 1 Chronicles 29:11-13; Ephesians 3:12
Mary goes down to the purgatory every Saturday
to take with her the Carmelites that has died
carrying in themselves and in their heart, faithfully
the Carmen's scapular or its substitute medal.
Here the mercy and the equity of Mary
are finished, because to all the other
internal of the purgatory, she leaves them crying cruelly
stack to the gate, every damned Saturday.
The other sacramented feels humiliated
and they don't understand so much abandonment from the Mother.
Purges light her tires on protest.
Why doesn't she empty the purgatory once and for all?
How much love will she require for this task?
Some are there for ten centuries purging their sins
and they still not accede to the mount of the eternal life.
If in the scapular inhabit the indulgences and the paradise,
why not prune the spare and bureaucratic thing?
If a plenary indulgence in the Carmen's day
it fixes the difficulties of the anguishes ones,
which is the purpose of the mass for the deceases,
the penances and the other so many lards?
A Carmelite improvident lost his scapular
hours before closing his doubtful eyes.
1 Thessalonians 1:10; Hosea 13:14
Original marian’s prayer of San Bernardo:
“If the winds of the temptations rise,
if you trip with the reefs of the temptation,
look at the star, claim to Mary.
If they waves of the arrogance, ambition
or the envy shakes you, looks the star,
invokes Mary. If the anger, the avarice
or the impurity impels the ship of your soul
violently, look at Mary.
If upset with the memory of your sins,
confused in front of the ugliness of your conscience,
fearful before the idea of the trial,
you begin to thank in the bottomless top
of the sadness or in the abyss of the desperation,
think in Mary.
In the dangers, in the anguishes, in the doubts,
Think in Mary, invokes Mary.
Don’t apart Mary of your mouth,
Don’t apart her from your heart.
And to get her intercessor’s help,
don't you move away from the examples of her virtue.
You won't go off track, if you follow her.
You won't despair, if you plead her.
You won't get lost, if in her you think.
If she sustains you, you won't fall.
If protects you, you will have nothing to fear.
You won't get tired, if is your guide.
If she protect you,
you will arrive happily to the salvation port.”
Saint Bernard's same prayer, but now christianized:
“If the winds of the temptations rise,
if you trip with the reefs of the temptation,
Look at the star, claim to the Holy Spirit.
If the waves of the arrogance, ambition
or the envy shakes you, look at the star,
invokes to the Holy Spirit. If the anger, the avarice
or the impurity impels the ship of your soul
violently, look at the Holy Spirit.
If upset with the memory of your sins,
confused in front of the ugliness of your conscience,
fearful before the idea of the trial,
you begin to thank in the bottomless top
of the sadness or in the abyss of the desperation,
think in the Holy Spirit.
In the dangers, in the anguishes, in the doubts,
think in the Holy Spirit, invokes the Spirit.
Don't apart the Holy Spirit of your mouth,
don’t apart him from your heart.
And to get his intercessor’s help,
don't you move away from the examples of his virtue.
You won't go off track, if you follow him.
You won't despair, if you plead him.
You won't get lost, if in the Holy Spirit you think.
If the Holy Spirit sustains you, you won't fall.
If He protects you, you will have nothing to fear.
You won't get tired, if he is your guide.
If the Holy Spirit protect you,
you will arrived happily to the salvation port”
Psalm 37:17; Psalm 145:14
And the one that was sat down in the throne
had a book in his hand and asked:
there is anyone worthy of opening this book here?
And there was nobody worthy of opening the book,
neither Mary, the one that is supposed to be ascended
to Heaven and lives near the throne
and would intercede for her pagans devote.
She neither was worthy of looking at the book,
because we are all unworthy, even Mary.
Apocalypse 5:2-4
With an imposing image
in the center, is the epicenter.
Majestic star, beautiful and ornamented.
Everyone sing at her, many dance and cry to her.
Is the queen of all the queens, the virgin of the virgins,
the Mother, the aid, the great protector.
From the center she dominates everything,
giving fondness and good news.
As it is Mary's month,
they fix the vision totally in her.
Why more if she is present?
All the sheep greet mettlesomely
to the God’s progenitor, to the perpetual succors.
They praise her, they praise her and they praise her, and even much more.
They pray to her, they pray to her and they pray to her, only to her,
with passion, without stutterers and underrating the invectives.
Nobody doubts that Mary covers everything, everything, and everything.
The supplicants go to her
in all their necessities and yearnings.
And to whom else will go the broken-hearted?
It is the three times admirable, conceived without sin.
Mary fulfills everything, everything, and everything.
Ave Mary, most pure.
Kneeling in front of her grandiose image,
the flock rests in peace,
with faith in the future and in the further on.
Mary supplies and embraces everything.
The impressive and three times blessed statue of her,
is a lighthouse, coat, comfort, guide, hope and everything else.
Mary would cover everything, everything, everything,
absolutely everything.
Psalm 61:5; Isaiah 44:9-11; Psalm 34:17-29
END of the book “The dusk of the hail Mary”
The original book was written on Spanish http://lassotanasdesatan.blogspot.com/
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